Binaural Beat Therapy (12+ Hours)

Binaural Beat Therapy (12+ Hours)

Meditation sound of binaural beats for sleep, anxiety, and stress. Focus with these ASMR audio frequencies. Curated by
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Title Artist
Aurora Borealis Aurora Borealis Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beat Therapy 02:29
Lunar Lullaby Lunar Lullaby Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beat Therapy 02:31
Rising Moonlight Rising Moonlight Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:26
Starry Horizons Starry Horizons Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:26
Big Tokyo Big Tokyo Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:00
Earth Meets Sky Earth Meets Sky Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:13
Spiritual Mind Spiritual Mind Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beat Therapy 02:05
Binaural Rift Binaural Rift Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beat Therapy 02:09
Black Hole Ballads Black Hole Ballads Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Institute 02:39
Hyperstellar Harmonies Hyperstellar Harmonies Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Institute 02:23
Extraterrestial Tidal Echoes Extraterrestial Tidal Echoes Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Systems 02:40
Spacetime Echoes Spacetime Echoes Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Systems 02:41
Earthly Orbit Lullaby Earthly Orbit Lullaby Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Brain Waves 02:22
Skygazer's Lullaby Skygazer's Lullaby Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Brain Waves 02:42
Stellar Reflections Stellar Reflections Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:13
Subatomic Strums Subatomic Strums Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:22
Asteroid Anthem Asteroid Anthem Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Guru 02:28
The Milky Way's Majesty The Milky Way's Majesty Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Guru 02:26
The Universe Awaits The Universe Awaits Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Central 02:34
Far Away Starlight Far Away Starlight Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Central 02:20
Starry Sonatas Starry Sonatas Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 04:32
Quasartune Quantum Quasartune Quantum Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 02:27
Arrival Arrival Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Frequency Sessions 02:01
Textural Waves Textural Waves Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Frequency Sessions 02:17
In The Stars In The Stars Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Tones Sessions 02:05
Explore Your Mind Explore Your Mind Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Tones Sessions 01:55
Binaural Relief Binaural Relief Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:08
Vibrating Crystals Vibrating Crystals Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:09
Discovery Discovery Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 01:47
Ascend Ascend Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 02:05
Passengers Passengers Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Central 01:46
View From The Moon View From The Moon Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Central 02:00
Echo Valley Echo Valley Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Guru 01:48
Synchronization Synchronization Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Guru 01:51
Astral Travel Astral Travel Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:08
Concentration Concentration Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:12
Air Air Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:07
Solidify Solidify Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:05
Brain Direction Brain Direction Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:08
Mechanisms Mechanisms Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:32
Point of Focus Point of Focus Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:00
Receptor Receptor Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 01:59
Surfaces Surfaces Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:05
Seismic Waves Seismic Waves Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:02
Minimal Exposure Minimal Exposure Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Guru 01:54
Measure Measure Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Guru 02:00
Binaural Atmospheres Binaural Atmospheres Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Central 01:38
Dubs Dubs Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Central 01:51
Deep State Deep State Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 01:14
Alpha Mantra Alpha Mantra Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 01:46
Low Theta Low Theta Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 01:48
Ember Ember Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:24
Dimensions Dimensions Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Frequency Sessions 01:44
Colours Colours Binaural Beats by Lullify, Binaural Frequency Sessions 02:24
Iso Iso Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:06
Through the Night Through the Night Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Therapy 02:00
Attract Attract Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 01:48
Cleanse Cleanse Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Sleep Aid 02:02
Detox Detox Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Frequency Sessions 01:56
Intuition Intuition Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Frequency Sessions 02:16
Healing Waves Healing Waves Study With Us, Alpha Waves Sessions 01:44
Earthrise on the Moon Earthrise on the Moon Study With Us, Alpha Waves Sessions 02:24
Upbeat Feelings Upbeat Feelings Study Music by Lullify, Reading Music Sessions 02:02
Touching Heaven Touching Heaven Study Music by Lullify, Concentration Study 01:40
Delicate Times Delicate Times Study Music by Lullify, Study Academy 02:09
Belong Spiritual Belong Spiritual Relaxing Music by Lullify, Binaural Serenity Mind 02:21
Rainbow Forming Rainbow Forming Loopable Atmospheres, Binaural Institute 01:44
Eye Movement Eye Movement Sleep Sounds: by Sarah, Binaural Beats Brain Waves 01:44
Blue Water Blue Water Loopable Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Systems 01:44
Tranquil Study Tranquil Study Study With Us, Study Music & Sounds 01:46
Piano Music with Beach Waves Piano Music with Beach Waves Study With Us, Study Music & Sounds 02:05
Tranquil Study Tranquil Study Binaural Atmospheres, Relaxing Music Therapy 01:46
Ambient Piano Lullaby Ambient Piano Lullaby Binaural Atmospheres, Relaxing Music Therapy 02:05
Ambient Rain White Noise Lullaby Ambient Rain White Noise Lullaby Binaural Beats ASMR, Rain for Deep Sleep, ASMR Studying Sounds 02:12
Brahma Waves with Beach Waves for Deep Sleep Brahma Waves with Beach Waves for Deep Sleep Binaural Beats ASMR, Ocean Sounds, ASMR Studying Sounds 02:06
Rain Lullaby Rain Lullaby Nature Atmospheres, Nature Recordings 01:45
Soft Beach Ambiance Soft Beach Ambiance Beach Waves ASMR, Deep Horizon Waves, ASMR Studying Sounds 02:12
Waves For Studying Waves For Studying ASMR Sounds for Sleep, Binaural Beats ASMR 02:02
Time To Focus Time To Focus Binaural Beats ASMR, ASMR Sounds for Sleep 01:43
Ambiance Ambiance Binaural Atmospheres, Relaxing Tibetan Singing Bowls 01:48
Song Birds Song Birds Tibetan Singing Bowls, Binaural Atmospheres 02:06
Ambient Ocean Waves Ambient Ocean Waves Binaural Atmospheres 02:12
Calm River Pulse Calm River Pulse Binaural Beats ASMR, Binaural Atmospheres 02:12
Eliminate Distractions Eliminate Distractions Study With Us, Alpha Waves Sessions 02:25
Unwinding Mode Unwinding Mode White Noise Atmospheres, White Noise Therapy 01:24
Sleep Tight Sleep Tight White Noise Atmospheres, White Noise Therapy 02:06
Audio Relaxers Audio Relaxers White Noise Atmospheres, White Noise Meditation 02:02
Liberi Liberi Yoga Atmospheres, 432Hz Yoga 02:26
Binaural Peace Binaural Peace Binaural Atmospheres, Deep Sleep Relaxation 02:15
Alert Focus Alert Focus Study Power, Binaural Atmospheres 02:11
Eliminate Distractions Eliminate Distractions Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Waves Sessions 02:25
Soothing Frequencies Soothing Frequencies Concentration Study, Binaural Atmospheres 02:12
Lucid Code Lucid Code Binaural Atmospheres, Zen Music Sessions 02:14
Increasing Energy Increasing Energy Binaural Beat Therapy, Binaural Atmospheres 01:54
Dream Induction Dream Induction Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Frequency Sessions 02:52
Waves For Studying Waves For Studying Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Beats Recordings 02:02
Getting Higher Getting Higher Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Tones Sessions 02:10
Calling Within Calling Within Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Waves Sessions 01:38
Loving Concentration Loving Concentration Binaural Atmospheres, Binaural Frequency Sessions 01:47
Another Place Another Place Binaural Beats ASMR, Binaural Atmospheres 01:59

Binaural Beats ASMR




Spa Day At Home




Binaural Atmospheres




Loopable ASMR

